Home Tournaments Sidepot Modes

Sidepot Modes

Last updated on Dec 15, 2023

Highroller: Your board value must be the highest.

Synergy Master: You need to build and maintain the highest number of synergies within your team composition.

Gold Hoarder: The amount of gold you have left over at the end of the game.

Powerleveler: You need to reach the highest power level (have most 3 start or gold units)

Ward Destroyer: Destroy the highest number of enemy wards among all players in the game

Epic Monster Hunter: Secure the highest number of Rift Herald Dragon and Baron kills in the game (Without Smite)

Survivalist: Least number of deaths in the game

Demolitioner: Destroy the most enemy turrets & Inhibitors during the match

Fortune Maker: Highest amount of Gold earned

kpmvp: Achieve the highest number of assists / kill participation

Ironclad: Show your resilience by taking the highest ratio of damage to deaths during a match.

Headshot Specialist: Get the highest number of headshot kills among all players

Bomb Defuser: Successfully defuse the bomb the most number of times

Plant Master: Plant the spike (bomb) the most number of times

Money Specialist: Have the highest Econ rating

Clean Work: Having the least rounds lost to enemy team

Clutch Master: Number of clutch round wins (being the last player alive on your team and winning the round)

Weapon Master: Most # of Kills on a specific weapon (Specific weapon changes every week)

Tick Tock: Defuse the bomb with the least time remaining

xRayer: Most # of kills through objects resulting in a wallbang (Walls Boxes etc)